~just surf the net.~
According to all the #thinkpieces on the Internet today, blogging is irretrievably dead. Does that mean I've died and am writing this email from an oddly underwhelming heaven...?
1. Don't trust a corporation to do a library's job. For years Google promised to help preserve the past, archiving messages, digitizing newspapers, and scanning millions of books. As it turns out, however, there's not much profit in that -- which is why we should all be glad the Internet Archive exists!
2. On Gamergate, Wikipedia, and the limits of knowledge. Wikipedia's ruling body just passed its big, controversial Gamergate decision. But in its quest to be objective and fair, the Internet's encyclopedia raises some pretty existential questions: like is it humanly possible to even reach a consensus on what "objective" and "fair" mean?
3. Your tech-enabled lack of focus isn't necessarily bad. Maybe it's just hard to finish books these days because we're so engaged in the dynamism of the Internet.
Pocketable: When the cops don't care about online threats, what's a girl to do? (5471 words/22 minutes)
Postscripts: Sinning selfies. Writing robots. Ikea, the computer game. Both these photos from an Internet addiction clinic and this account of "high-tech swingers clubs" are totally insane. Your new YouTube fireplace. An old-timey turn of phrase. Today, in emoji: mean ones, vegan ones, taco ones, illegal (?) ones. IN conclusion: ~just surf the net.~
Until tomorrow! @caitlindewey
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