Okay weirdo, here it is.
Generally I think we Internet Folk are hard-hearted cynics, impressed and delighted by very little of the "ocean of trivia and irrelevance" that we find online. But then, every onnnnce in a while, you encounter something so touching -- so beautiful -- so genuinely heart-warming! -- that even the haters among us can do naught but sit back and thank the universe for occasionally letting something good come out of Reddit. This was one such encounter. Now let's proceed to the other muck!
1. In defense of the Comcast rep from hell. Everyone knows Comcast's customer service line is a place where sanity and civility go to die, but that's become *particularly* clear since Ryan Block's terrible call with a company rep went viral. Don't blame the rep, though -- blame the massive, soulless monopoly. "The rep didn't abuse Block, and Block didn't torture the rep. Comcast, the organization, is tormenting them both." (More on this at the Verge, too.)
2. Why you should never, ever use public computers. Even in hotels! Or airports! Or libraries, for god's sake! It turns out that it's very easy to install keylogging software on public machines, and lots of shady characters do it.
3. OkCupid / find a therapist / feel it all. Airbnb / leica m / lucky peach. These are 16 accidentally brilliant commentaries on the Internet, a.k.a. fun with Google Correlate!
Blech, so hungry now. But how amazing are these GIFs?
Pocketables: Feminism and 50 Shades -- friends? Enemies? Who knows. (3507 words/14 minutes)
Postscripts: Flower beards. Pikachu burgers. Drunk Charlie Sheen. A guide to Irish exits and a guide to overhyped desserts. Is organic food really good for you? Are FitBits really bad? (Gchat at work definitely is -- unless you don't care that you suck at your job.) Sheila Heti interviews Christian Lorentzen re: Twitter. Cosmo interviews Jill Abramson re: badassery. Instagram apologizes, Tinder swells, Google+ capitulates. Wish your cat could be facially-recognized? Okay weirdo, here it is.
Until tomorrow!
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