The drama is real
What becomes of a would-be viral video that never makes Buzzfeed? I always thought the answer was "fade into obscurity." Apparently, however, I'm thinking too small: Watch this A+ "Death of a Salesman" parody get ~all existential.~
1. Charlie Charlie might be fake, but in the Bahamas, the drama is real. It's a highly religious, superstitious country -- which means even smart people are struggling to deal.
2. Your traffic app is watching you -- and changing your city. Google-owned Waze, which 50 million people use, tracks amazing amounts of data on things like traffic patterns and accidents. When cities get that data, they can use it for good -- like to fix potholes and clean up bad congestion.
3. Swiss watchmakers vs. the Apple Watch. Analog watchmaking is a revered, historic, and v. expensive art. But increasingly, your watch is only trendy if it's, you know, smart.
Damn, and you probably thought I couldn't beat goats on trampolines
Postscripts: Fun nuns. Tweeting potholes. Canvasses made of food. This surgeon Periscoped an operation on some lady's boobs. (... ew.) How where you are changes your Internet and what Silicon Valley could learn from Seoul. This relic, believe it or not, is the world's very first smartphone. Brain wearable "hacks" your mood; Menswear Dog makes it big time; Twitter bot celebrates, in charming good cheer, the very best stuff online. FINALLY, are you one of those #Millenials who uses Facebook to get news? If so, I have a cautionary explainer for you...
Orders of business: Thanks to everyone who filled out the survey yesterday (huge help, seriously!!) and yes, I know, lol, yesterday's newsletter did fail to include its most highly hyped link. (My bad, sorry.)
Until tomorrow!
... I guess sign-offs are uncool now, actually. :(
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