Walking, talking, phone-unlocking
The average iPhone is unlocked 80 times per day, which works out to five times every waking hour. You guys check your smartphones *EVERY 12 MINUTES* (... with probable exceptions for things like meetings and showers). We don't need to see the cyborg future; we already live in it. We're all just walking, talking, phone-unlocking receptacles for the Internet. 😄 ðŸ˜
1. The Internet comes to the middle of nowhere. (I know I'm late to this but it's good, so who cares.) Rex Sorgatz returned to his tiny North Dakotan hometown to see if it's as isolated as he recalled. But the newly wired, iPhoned Napoleon doesn't feel like the town he remembers at all.
2. Facebook isn't a social network, so wtf is it? Try: a centralized, personalized portal to the wider Web. The site's internalized things, like news, messaging and video, that once redirected users elsewhere on the Web. Now there's no reason to leave it, even if you don't use it to "share" with your "friends."
3. ♫ ♫ Don't go chasing terrorists / please stick to the Twitters and the trolls that you're used to / I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all / but look this guy tried to help and he took a big fall. ♪

i admittedly have not watched lemonade but am enjoying the gifs
Postscripts: Uber Ex. Internet IRL. Via Reddit, a strange vision of hell. Is social media screwing explorers? In the future, will our past be blank? Why mommy vloggers are changing their minds and how this dude hacked his way to more online dates. Feminist Ryan Gosling is a lie. Modern feminism might be, too. Last but not least, a surprising update (!) on what Rebecca Black's producer is up to.
Until tomorrow!
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