What if you could pipe the Internet directly to your brain??!!
Were you "schocked" by a certain Congressman's recent resignation? Scared to ever order "black" coffee again? Smh guys, everybody made those jokes!! Stop trying to be a %$#@ Twitter comedian!
1. RIP, instinct is dead. People used to live and die by their "guts" -- I'm reminded of Donald Draper in "Mad Men." But no one needs guts or Don Drapers when they've got ~data "optimization."~
2. How "Block Bot" could save the interwebs. The bot, beloved by Gamergate victims, helps hide offensive content from your Twitter feeds. It's often dragged out in discussions of Twitter moderation, usually in reference to the stronger harassment rules that Twitter so evidently needs. But maybe Block Bot is actually a solution, in itself: a compromise that saves sanity, while keeping online speech free.
3. The Internet's helped us connect, sure -- but it's made disconnecting harder. Your ex is in your News Feed, your tweets, your Gchat. And research suggests we're only suffering from the constant contact.
"Internet's boring today guys, call me when the puns are over"
Postscripts: Bad bitch. Blippy Bot. Book-it. How to Google something you can't describe and how to describe Snapchat to your parents. (MOM: Plz review and report back on this.) Coloring books for existential angst. Music videos without the music. Hot dudes with dogs. Hot "new" travel apps. (Someone make InstaEnvy, I might use it!!) Scary hypothetical question of the day: What if you could pipe the Internet directly to your brain??!!
Until tomorrow!
(... I said "until the weekend" yesterday, didn't I? Wishful thinking. Heh. Kbye!)
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