Hi friends. Today is July 1, 2022.
And last week, after 80 weeks of blissful silence, the world unhappily saw the return of the toxic mass delusion known as “Q.”
Why now?, you gotta wonder. The otherwise mediocre men who perpetuated this charade — and who almost definitely include the former 8chan/kun administrator Ron Watkins — have already amassed more influence than would seem possible. Half of Americans no longer have a right to basic healthcare. A seditious mob stormed the U.S. Capitol. And two (plus!) people who believe “the elites” habitually rape/drink the blood of children … are now serving in Congress.
But Ron Watkins himself is not, despite his best efforts. The 35-year-old’s long-shot run for an Arizona Congressional seat has proved an unqualified mess from the start. That’s one possible theory for the latest, unexpected Q drops, which — like many of their predecessors — read like the script of a bad film-school student project. (“Do not forget your oath,” “shall we play a game once more” — cool dude, we’ve all seen Saw.)
Another possible theory: Watkins and co. have lately faced some competition from a rival Q, who surfaced on Donald Trump’s Truth Social five months ago. The Truth Social Q, or TSQ, openly admits he or she is not the Q in question … but that hasn’t convinced some die-hard adherents thirsting for crumbs from their oracle.
Whatever the reason, no good can come of Q’s return. Unless he keeps messing his comeback up, which … feels probable. 🙃
If you read anything this weekend
“How Paranoia Over Trans Rights Became Catnip for QAnon and the Far Right,” by Io Dodds in The Independent. Scary, illuminating exploration of when/how violent transphobia picked up *so much* steam. If you’re wondering what the actual hell is going on at drag queen story hours, it’s an essential read.
“Fear, Uncertainty, and Period Trackers,” by Kendra Albert, Maggie Delano, and Emma Weil on Medium. Despite this week’s *mania* around period trackers, three experts say you don’t actually need to delete your app. You might want to take other precautions, though, especially with texts and searches.
“The ADHD Urge to Find the Online ADHD Community Annoying,” by James Greig. Replace “ADHD” with many of the online disorder/trauma communities floating around: "Once you get a diagnosis, you are encouraged to identify with it to the point where every facet of your personality can be explained through this one lens, usually to the exclusion of all other factors."
“How ‘The Dress’ Sparked a Neuroscience Breakthrough,” by David McRaney in Wired. You thought “the dress” was a frivolous, forgettable little mindfuck of a meme … but it actually led to a way bigger, mindfuckier theory that explains why people (literally) see the world differently! (It’s still white and gold for me.)
“You’re a Star on Thecobrasnake.com!,” by Brock Colyer in The Cut. For fans of internet aesthetics and the early aughts, and also Olds attempting to “get” The Youth: a wry dispatch from a “new” New York party scene that … actually seems as messy/horny/hollow as all the past scenes were.
👉 ICYMI: The most-clicked link from last week’s newsletter was this feature on Disney adults.
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CoStar but for personality tests. Spotify but for nature sounds. A gallery of Instagram-censored art and the rise of diaspora archive accounts. Hide your kids, hide your French bulldogs. The app that tracks a quarter-million immigrants. Where to find abortion pills (not Facebook!) and how to improve internet recommendations.
Worker-owned crowdfunding and sharing economy apps — you truly love to see it. “Everything happens so much” — the tweet that defined an era. The “aura” of obsolete books and the “erotics” of infographics. The media critics of YouTube. Plz plz plz don’t read and return your Kindle ebooks. Last but not least: This explains why I (and maybe you?) suck at Geoguessr!
That’s it for this week! Until the next one. Warmest virtual regards.
— Caitlin
P.S. Thanks to Christine, Jake, Cara, Sheila, Cassie Faye and Leanne Hughes for the great link suggestions! Please send me your favorite articles and tweets for next week’s edition.