This was a fabulously written, engaging read. MySpace was never a part of my life (prolly too old) but it was a massive paradigm shift for how musicians connected with fans, which I don't think has been explored as deeply as it should.
Because he never wanted power. And because power begets more power, the powerful are never happy. What a miserable way to live. Myspace Tom understood that early and walked away. Because he could. Rock on.
“broligarchically“ - what a great word
This was a fabulously written, engaging read. MySpace was never a part of my life (prolly too old) but it was a massive paradigm shift for how musicians connected with fans, which I don't think has been explored as deeply as it should.
Best thing I read this week
Because he never wanted power. And because power begets more power, the powerful are never happy. What a miserable way to live. Myspace Tom understood that early and walked away. Because he could. Rock on.
MySpace Tom got it right.
Really loved this. I wasn't familiar with Tom's story and this was really fascinating. The hero we need.