I've built up a nice collection of rss feeds over the last few years. In absence of a recommendation algorithm (80% of them are also not on substack), it's been a huge help when bloggers / newsletter writers recommend the blogs of other people.
So thanks for doing that here, I'm sure I'll find something new to follow!
I knew I’d fill the space of deleting social with something.
i had to read to the bottom to check if i was cool enough to already be subscribed to anything else on the list!!
Lol I love that. I think ≈80% of these were brand new to me.
this list is an amazing resource thank you!!!
whenever i saw someone i already love i felt like a superstar lol
I've built up a nice collection of rss feeds over the last few years. In absence of a recommendation algorithm (80% of them are also not on substack), it's been a huge help when bloggers / newsletter writers recommend the blogs of other people.
So thanks for doing that here, I'm sure I'll find something new to follow!
As someone who has spent way too much time obsessively curating my RSS list, this delights me. Hope you find some good stuff!!
Thank you!
Nice to be in here! Tyvm
Thank You Ben!
What an incredible resource! Thank you for putting this together.
Love and value this -- will share widely -- thank you!
Thanks so much for including us! Exciting to be included on a list of such great writers. Can’t wait to dig into the new-to-me ones!
What a great list! Honored to be named next to such amazing newsletters. 😊
Thank you so much for the callout 🥂
Thank you for including me in this and shout out to Edith <3
This is really cool, Caitlin! And to be included is an honor! (Thanks, Edith!)
This list incredible! Thank you for all your hard work!
What an awesome surprise to see these kind words! Thank you so much for including me and Expedite in this amazing project.